Tuesday, December 11, 2012

O Mother nature .. ....!!!

 O Mother nature .. ....!!!
Can I see YOU with the eyes that I have ...?
Can I pray to YOU with the hands that I have ....?
Can I worship YOU with the mind that I have ...?
To love you O nature ....I need the power to fight with my own evils ...!!!!
I need the eyes to see your presence .....!!!!
I know not much .....in fact nothing ....!!O GOD .....!!
Hold me and behold me as I tread THE PATH ...IN PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE ...towards YOU ...THE OMNIPOTENT ...AND THE OMNIPRESENT ......!!!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Splendid morn ...!!

Yet another night bids me adieu ...!!

 I open the window and the cool breeeze enthralls me ...!!The clouds that encompassed my home, quickly get the oppertunity to get inside and give me a warm welcome ...!!They greet me ....caress me and I can feel the dampness of the clouds all over .Yes indeed ....the divine touch of the cloud freshens my mind ....and enlightens my mood ...!!!

The croon of the autumn leaves sing into my ears ....!!
I am totally enchanted  ,the glee takes me over ...and a chill run through my spine as I see the splendid morn ...!!!!

I really thank GOD  for the present moment ....and with a thankful smile ...begin my day ...!!

Goodmorning  friends have a great day .....!!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

I need your attension ..please .....!!!

The pitter patter of the rain drops ......the rhythm  of thunder .....the dance of the GREEN ... .....begins ....!!

Green is the colour of growth ....its also the colour of freshness ....and fragrance .....!!

The green veil of ...GREEN EARTH ...I wish to paint my heart ...green today ...!!

Are we conscious enough to love our mother ....???
Are we aware enough ..to save her ravishing and entrancing glory...her charm ...her beauty ...
Or sadly....being ...brutal ....conniving at her requirements...
...only trying to snatch her belongings .....!!
Do we really know ...what does the green colour say ....?It says ....think about me ....just give me my due .....!!!
I need your attension ..please .....!!!
 Remember ...its time .....GIVE ME MY GREEN ......!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

As I see the ....dawn ...!!

As I move ...
from darkness to light ....
I hold you tight ....
only to realize ....
there is no one to hold to...
and my fist is tight ...!!

Gradually as I move ....
and move ..and move ...
I gather strength from within ....
I open my eyes ...
just to visualize ..
I am yet , encompassed by darkness ...
But now I see the darkness clear ....
The omnipotent and omnipresent ...
Yes,you are there 
Oh Lord ...my dear ..
The serenity of solemn darkness sinks in .....
I hold the darkness and walk again ...
Keep walking ...as I have no fear ...
I know for sure ..you are there ....
Gradually ....very slowly ....
I win ....
As  I see the ....dawn ...
approaching ...
And the light comes near and near ...
 and ...the vision is clear ...!!
OH LORD ...always be there ...!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The value of Compassion....

''Let go of all efforts ,search and desires,for He can be felt only in deep peace and stillness .''
                                                                   Sri Sri Ravi Shankar .

''Thare are two ways that one can spread light in this world -either by becoming a candle or by becoming a mirror that reflects.''
            Vikas Malkani .

                            The value of Compassion....

Author Fredrick Buechner describes the meaning of compassion in these words:''Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else's skin .It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too.''

Compassion stems  from wisdom .It is the fundamental law of Nature's own heart.It allows one to become one with Divine Universe ,with the universal life and consciousness .Compassion denotes harmony,peace,bliss and impersonal love.It is often regarded as emotional in nature ,and there is an aspect of compassion which regards a quantitative dimension ,such that individual's compassion is often given a property of ''depth'',''vigour ''or ''passion''The etimology of compassion is Latin ,meaning ''co-suffering ''.More virtuous than simple empathy ,compassion commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering .It is often ,though not inevitably,the key component in what manifests in the social context as altruism.
                                                 It automatically brings happieness and calmness.Hatred,jealousy,and excessive attachment cause suffering and agitation.Compassion helps you overcome these to move into a calm state of mind.Practise of compassion actually calms you down considerably and builds up your emotional intelligence.
                        A kindly thought sent out towards some other human being is a protection to the other and it is a beautiful thing to do.It is truly humane and one that every sensitive human being loves to do so.Do not judge rashly or interpret the actions of others in an ill sense,but be compassionate to thier infirmities,bear their  burdens,excuse their weaknesses and make up for their defects-this is the true spirit of compassion and charity.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


A wait ...
and a long wait ...
A desire ....
or a deep yearning ....!!
the sunrise of my dream ...
yet ...to come ....!!
It takes a lot of effort to follow your dreams ...........
I tread the path of life ...in pursuit of excellence...!!
If you also  dream of excellence ,there is no respite ....!!
Keep walking from morning to night .....!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Enjoy the woven colours ....!!

Feel   ecstacy  personified .........
Don't let the hope ever die ...!!
just fly ...
let the dreams soar high ...!!
no room for...despair or cry ....!!
just adore the omnipotent nature ......
smile ......and smile ...
love the GOOD EARTH ...
and ..enjoy the woven  colours ....!!


Monday, February 20, 2012

Oh GOD be with me ...!

Oh GOD be with me ...
As I see ,hold and behold ...
The tranquility of mother nature ...!
The peace and solace of the fragrant air ...!!
The ecstacy of the waving palm trees ...!!
The glory of the soaring skylark ...!
The gushing sound of the sea ...
The beauty of life ....
that takes me to eternity...!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Everything can be improved.

''Everything can be improved.

Yes indeed.Be an addict to constant and never ending self-improvement.Because ,greatness comes when you improve on improvements .Remember just a slight improvement each day can lead to spectacular results.

Find it......there is always a better way.
Affirm:everyday ;in everyway,I am getting better and better .
Resolve ;good,better,best;i shall never let it rest;
till my good is better,and my better is best.''

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blessed be His name.'

''Peace ,true peace ,is at the Lotus feet of Lord.
And He is not afar.He is right where we are .
When we become conscious of His loving presence ,
when we  commune with Him,whithin the veil of silence ,
we are filled with a sense of radiant joy and profound peace.
God's love enfolds us and we are never alone.
Blessed be His name.''

We have to find peace within ourslves.....!!We have to learn to establish harmony within....!!

Monday, February 6, 2012


''Self controlled ,firm in conviction,
With mind and reason fixed in God,
From whom the world shrinks not in hate ,
Who shrinks not from the world around .
Free ever from both joy and grief,
Depending not on things mundane ,
Ever pure and prompt and unconcerned
Untroubled in his being's core ''
Bhagwad Gita.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Support your people...

''Supporting your people is your job;how best to support them is a judgement you have to make.'' Rus Slater.

''If I can guide some erring to truth
Inspire within his heart a sense of duty ,
If I can plant within the soul of a rosy plant
A sense of light ,a love of truth and beauty ;
If I can teach one man that GOD and Heaven are near ,
I shall not have been lived in vain while here .''

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Joy of sharing....

''A traveller am I ,and a navigator,and everyday I discover a new region within my soul.''
Khalil Gibran.

''Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought.''Albert Szent .Gyorgyi.

''Every door is another passage,another boundary we have to go beyond.''Rumi.

''You are always your own best best guru ,your own best teacher,the answers are always inside you.''Satya Sai Baba .