Thursday, September 26, 2013

Glittering ...
I see  the spark ...........
in the  eyes of the earth ......!!

The sun shines ....
and ...
Hope is bright ...!!
as bright as the red colour .....
mind's paradigm ......
stretch your hands ......
widen your horizon ....
and ...with a bright hope ....
Go ahead .....

Sunday, July 28, 2013

A good hope ....!!

A deep melancholy-
 encompasses me today ....
it holds me tight .....
but I yearn to break open my heart ...
I wish to reach you ....oh light .....
to fill my solemn heart with delight ....
The pitter patter of the rain drops -
mingle with my sorrow ...
The sun starts drooping down ....
the shadow silhouetted on the wall 
becomes larger and larger ...
as if to vanish with the dark night ....!!
the gloom looms ...
I wish to reach you ....
oh light .....
to fill my solomn heart with delight ....!!
I sleep and hope that as usual .........
the splendid morn will knock at my door .......!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Timeless moment ........!!

I tread ...and I walk ...I admire and see ...
The beauty of nature that encompasses me ...
The joy that fills the air .....
The smile that is so fair ....
Mother nature blesses me with ...
A time less moment ....

Life in  every moment as a whole ....
a giving moment ....a sharing moment .....
a fulfilling moment ...!!

when .......
a warm sunshine ...
gets with in and the vision is clear ....!!
a cold wave .....caressing ....
touching the cheeks ,
and makes it pink ...!!
the pitter pattar of rain drops ...
I dance in the rain ....
and my soul is   drenched .....!!

Life is a struggle ...aspiring for ...
a hearty laugh ...
a full smile ...
a pure heart ....
thus .....
only one life to live ...and ...
very few moments to give ....!!

 so ...get going .....
its spring ...!!
just strive  hard  ....and hard ....
and ... make the dream come true ......!!